此间——胡昤作品展 策展人:韦宏山、徐恒 展览总监:丛慧 学术主持:苏冰 艺术顾问(按年龄):周长江 | 李磊 | 单增 | 马一鹰 出品:UNITED STAGE 台前幕后 上海晰与糖数字科技有限有公司 主办:白点当代艺术空间 协办:杭州东街六号美术馆 | 后舍艺术机构 承办:金茂北外滩艺术空间 开幕:2023年5月7日 15:30 展期:2023年5月7日-6月2日 开放时间:周一到周日10:00-17:00 地址:上海市虹口区杨树浦路100号 金茂北外滩艺术空间(导航定点厦门国际银行) 支持:江文湛藝術館、榕·美术馆、大河美术艺术中心、大收藏家_G13元宇宙平台、香港艾伦国际教育投资有限公司、金石滩美术馆、义乌高渡文化传播有限公司 媒体:库艺术、在艺、美讯网、凤凰艺术、今日头条、一点资讯、百家号、网易、新浪、雅昌艺术网、搜狐、腾讯视频等 部分展出作品:
无题 No title 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 60x60cm,2020
时光书写No.18 Time writing No.18 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2021
时光书写No.8 Time writing No.8 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2020
时光书写No1 Time writing No.1 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2019
时光书写No20 Time writing No.20 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2022
时光书写No.19 Time writing No19 . 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2022
时光书写No.21 Time writing No21 . 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2022
时光书写 No.11 Time writing No11 . 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 30x30 cm,2021
时光书写No.17 Time writing No17 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 160x160cm,2021
时光书写No.16 Time writing No16 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 160x160cm,2021
时光书写No.6 Time writing No.6 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 160x160cm,2020
空间自述No.4 Space readme No.4 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 80x100cm,2023
空间自述No.3 Space readme No.3 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 132x115 cm,2022
无题 No title 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 160x160cm,2022
无题 No title 布面综合材料 Composite material on canvas. 160x160 cm,2022 艺术发展的过程往往与个体生命体验的过程有关。颜色、形态、画面处理的方式也随生命感知的不同阶段而得以发展。 在我早期的画作中存在着让人们似曾相识的形象,或是一个迷离的梦的细节,或是一个斑驳的生活碎片,它们静默地展现,缄默不语,它们在不同的维度盈亏与消长,在模糊了物像时潜意传念。强烈的内在意识与内在情绪的交融,使画面灰到极致,在一束微光里找到希望。 近些年的作品,扩展了思维维度,从自我内在意识转向对于公共开放性空间的关注。作品更倾向于表达时间与空间的关系。材料的选择上也模糊了边界,很多都来自日常生活中随处可寻的材料。材料的反差,空间的矛盾组合,在理性与感性中不停的试错,时间一点点重叠出空间的厚度。看似简单而极简的状态,往往花了大量的时间与画面和解。 不同材质所拥有的不同触感及温度,在空间中组合成不同的形式,跨越了平面的界限,形体与外部空间交融,得以在空间中蔓延,获取不同寻常的触碰。 此次展出的都是我近几年的新作,权当一次总结,一次新的开始。 —胡昤 The process of artistic development is often related to the process of individual life experience. Color, form, and image processing methods also develop with different stages of life perception. In my early paintings, there are images that make people seem familiar, or the details of a blurred dream, or a mottled fragment of life. When the image is blurred, the subconscious is passed on. The fusion of strong inner consciousness and inner emotions makes the picture gray to the extreme, and nds hope in a shimmer of light. The works in recent years have expanded the dimension of thinking, shifting from self-inner awareness to public open space. The works are more inclined to express the relationship between time and space. The selection of materials also blurs the boundaries, many of which come from materials that can be found everywhere in daily life. The contrast of materials, the contradictory combination of space, the constant trial and error in rationality and sensibility, the thickness of space is gradually overlapped by time. The seemingly simple and minimal state often takes a lot of time to reconcile with the picture. The different touches and temperatures possessed by different materials are combined into different forms in the space, crossing the boundary of the plane, and the shape blends with the external space to spread in the space and obtain unusual touches. All of my new works in recent years are exhibited this time, which should be regarded as a summary and a new beginning. —Hu Ling 关于艺术家 About the Artist
胡昤 HU LING 出生于四川。先后毕业于四川美术学院附中、中国美术学院、中国美术学院中德研究生院。 2009获德国柏林艺术大学硕士学位,现浙江农林大学艺术设计学院教师。中国美术家协会会员、浙江省油画家协会理事。 Born in Sichuan Awarded Master's degree from the University of the Arts in Berlin, Germany in 2009 Graduated from China Academy of Art and Sino-German Graduate School of China Academy of Fine Arts successively, the Affiliated High School of Sichuan Fine Arts Academy. Currently serving as a teacher of the School of Art and Design of Zhejiang A & F University, a member of Chinese Artists Association, and a director of Zhejiang Oil Painters Association. 展览(摘选) 2021 接力—第七辑 破茧,元典美术馆 北京;2021“水滴石穿”浙江省第四届综合艺术双年展 ,学术提名奖,丽水美术馆;2021 JUST NOW 优秀青年艺术家提名展 (北京韩建美术馆);2020 “醒来在2020 ”当代艺术展,杭州大悦城云展览馆,杭州;2018 东流潮音 当代青年艺术家展,上海世贸商城展览馆,上海;“多彩中国”意大利威尼斯站,威尼斯;2018 首届“抽象北京”(北京恩来美术馆);2017 未来真象-中国当代艺术邀请展,上海佘山当代艺术中心 上海;中国具象&抽象展 西城时光国际艺术馆 济南;2016 “悟空-跨媒介实验艺术展”,上海多伦美术馆,上海;“破冰”油画邀请巡回展,北京站、上海站、南京站、厦门站;国际视觉艺术(西安)展,十八度灰美术馆KID,西安;2013 “礁与镜”胡昤作品展,东街六号当代艺术中心,杭州;“新抽象”2013油画作品邀请展,凤凰艺都美术馆,无锡;2012 抽象艺术(天津)邀请展,天津美术学院美术馆,天津;《越域》中国当代艺术邀请展,成都大学美术馆,成都;2011 中国抽象艺术巡展,北京站、杭州、上海站、长沙站;人文江南—吾土吾民油画邀请展,浙江美术馆,杭州;2010 第五届亚洲国际艺术展”“ 中国新锐油画家特别展”,亚洲国际博览馆,香港;2008 《视野.形象》-国际当代绘画与雕塑邀请展,中国国际贸易中心,北京;2007 学院联展—中国美院,西五艺术中心,北京;首届中国青年百人油画展,上海美术馆,上海 Exhibition(excerpt) 2021 Relay- -The seventh series of “Broken Cocoon”, Yuandian Art Museum Beijing;In 2020 "Wake up in 2020", Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hangzhou Joy City Cloud Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou;In 2018, Waterway Polular Sound, Contemporary Young Artists Exhibition, Shanghai World Trade Mall Exhibition Hall, Shanghai;"Colorful China" Venice Station, Venice;In 2017, Future True Image-China Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Shanghai Sheshan Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai;China Figurative & Abstract Exhibition, Xicheng Time International Art Museum, Jinan;In 2016, "Wukong-Intermedia Experimental Art Exhibition", Shanghai Duolun Art Museum, Shanghai;"Ice-breaking" oil painting invitation exhibition tour, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen stations;International Visual Arts (Xi 'an) Exhibition, 18-degree Grey Museum KID, Xi' an;In 2013, "Reef and Mirror" Hu Ling Works Exhibition, East Street No.6 Contemporary Art Center, Hangzhou;"New Abstract" 2013 oil Painting invitational exhibition, Phoenix Art Museum, Wuxi;In 2012, Abstract Art (Tianjin) Invitational Exhibition, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Tianjin;"Cross Domain", Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Chengdu University Art Museum, Chengdu;In 2011, China Abstract Art Tour Exhibition, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai Station, Changsha Stations;Humanities Jiangnan- -My Native/ My People Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou;In 2010, the 5th Asia International Art Exhibition "" Chinese New Oil Painters Special Exhibition ", Asia International Expo, Hong Kong;In 2008, " Visual Field". Image-International Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Invitational Exhibition, China International Trade Center, Beijing;In 2007, College Joint Exhibition- -China Academy of Fine Arts, Xiwu Art Center, Beijing;The first Chinese Youth Oil Painting Exhibition with hundreds of audience , Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai |