展览名称 时间与真实 学术主持 杨飞云 策展人 谢晓冬 主办单位 中国艺术研究院中国油画院 展览时间 2019年6月8日—7月7日 展览地点 中国艺术研究院中国油画院•青年展厅 北京市朝阳区高碑店文化艺术新街1704号 平面设计 招财猫品牌营销策划 EXHIBITION 《time&truth》 ACADEMIC SUPPORT Yang Feiyun CURATOR Xie Xiaodong ORGANIZER Chinese Academy of Oil Painting DURATION 2019/6/8—2019/7/7 ADDRESS Chinese Academy of Oil Painting, No. 1704 Traditional Chinese Culture Street, Gaobeidian, Chaoyang District, Beijing City GRAPHIC DESIGN FORTUNE CAT CONSULT (CHENGDU) 前言 画油画要有热爱与悟性,而具象写实油画不但要有表现真实的能力,有掌握专业技能的学问,更要有对技能背后那个承载艺术家审美情怀和精神境界的强烈追求。只有悟到那个左右绘画本质的“道”的层面,才能超越图像时代,不受照片效果的引诱,触到写实油画真正的魅力与水平,也才能在图像泛滥的今天,显现出具象绘画的存在价值。写实不是一种风格样式,写实是一种表现力,是一种无法被替代的绘画艺术独特的表现力。 青年仝紫云,自幼有绘画才能。在合适的年龄,受到中国美术学院从本科到硕士的系统完整的学院教育,在绘画能力上打下了扎实的专业基础。他的性格沉静,含蓄而有条理,还透着一种温和的优雅。他在绘画上追求精细、深入、完整的真实感,次序通畅,轻松,画的描绘很写实,而画面的意味却有些超现实。仝紫云所描绘的形象往往并不新奇,但组合在一起所产生的意味却有一种现代生活的晦涩感。形象是真实的场景,指向却是梦幻的氛围,以一种逼真而精确的刻画,反证和表现一种现代人梦幻与虚空的感觉。以平常日用的废弃物件营造一种意识流式的主观感受。自进入中国油画院课题组研习,仝紫云一直尝试营造写实油画在意境表现上的非常态拓展,画面物象以结葡萄的方式朝着看似不合理的方向生长,使自己流淌的思绪无节制地蔓延,以此来呈现他的观念,有时甚至不惜打破大家普遍的审美经验。近年他已参加了很多不同层面的展览并获得了一些奖项,而此次早来的个展对他是一个重要的考验,也是他从艺道路上的一次有意义的阶段性总结。 艺术的成熟是来自艺术家持久的修为与生活阅历的长久积累,一个在路上的习艺者每个阶段的探求都非常重要,无法重复也不可替代。要想达到高境界,必须经历王国维的“三重境界”,才能全方位的得到提升。要成为一个好画家,每一次创作都应像第一次画画那样的诚恳对待,尽其所能地用心画好每一笔,终其一生永无止境,不断地向上努力。 祝此次展览成为仝紫云在绘画艺术上全新的开始。 杨飞云 2019年5月25日 Introduction Realistic oil painting artists live with passion, comprehension and inspiration. Not only the professional skills but also the aesthetic taste matters. Only when someone realizes the essence of "Tao”, the true charm of realistic oil paintings will come to him, and unveils to him its true value in today's image flooding . Because realism is not only a style, but also a kind of irreplaceable way of expression. Tong Ziyun, who is talented for painting since childhood, educated in China Academy of Art, which helped him build up the systematic knowledge structure of painting. His works are harmonious and delicate,full of surrealistic feeling. Nearly all elements in his works are very common, but the combination creates a unique sense. These real images create a dreamy atmosphere, this kind of contrast depicts the anxiety of the modern society. Since entering the research group of China Oil Painting Institute, he goes on exploring the possibilities of art. In recent years, he has participated in many exhibitions and won some awards. This exhibition,“Time and truth”,is not only a meaningful summary of his artistic life , but also a challenge to him. Great works usually come from the artist's insistence and various experiences. The desire of exploration is very crucial, which determines its irreplaceability or unrepeatability. In order to reach a higher level, artist must experience "three realm of Wang Guowei”. In order to be a better artist,one should always treat each work as first love. I wish this exhibition would become a new beginning of Ziyun. Yang Feiyun May 25, 2019
仝紫云简历: 1987年 生于河南唐河,现为中国油画院研修班教师 2010年 毕业于中国美术学院油画系获学士学位 2013年 毕业于中国美术学院油画系获硕士学位 2011-2016年 参加中国艺术研究院中国油画院油画研究课题组 2015年 结业于中国艺术研究院“中国•俄罗斯油画艺术创作高级研修班” The Resume of Tong Ziyun : Born in 1987 in Tanghe County, Henan Province, has been teaching at the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting since 2014 Graduated from China Academy of Art in 2010, Bachelor’s degree of Fine Arts in oil painting Graduated from China Academy of Art in 2013, Master’s degree of Fine Arts in oil painting Participated in Chinese Academy of Oil Painting Research Group in Chinese National Academy of Arts as a researcher from 2011 to 2016. Graduated from Chinese National Academy of Arts "Sino- Russian Senior Training Class for oil painting creation "in 2015. 附录展览作品:(部分)
审视 120X80cm 布面油画 2009年
室内的风景和窗外的风景 200X200cm 布面油画 2010年
虚空:27岁·关于爱情、生与死、原罪、恐惧等的梦魇片段 200X200cm 布面坦培拉、油画 2014-2016年
虚静·之一 117X91cm 布面油画 2014年
观物之十七 195X420cm 布面油画 2017年
审视4 100X80cm 布面油画 2018年
黄土高原·母亲 80X100cm 布面油画 2017年 参观指南 免费参观 开放时间 周二至周日 9:00—17:00 GUIDE FREE OPENING TIME TUESDAY—SUNDAY AM9:00—PM17:00
中国油画院 2019年6月8日同期展讯