-----“后宋庄“时代孵化推广计划----- ----- "after Songzhuang" era incubation promotion plan -----
主办单位:北京东视圣轩美术馆 宋庄艺术论坛 Sponsor: Beijing Dongshen Shengxuan Art Museum Songzhuang Art Forum 承办单位:北京东视圣轩国际文化传媒有限公司 Sponsor: Beijing East as St. Xuan International Culture Media Co., Ltd 协办单位:上上国际美术馆 北京忠东国际工程有限公司 中海奥祥有限责任公司 NL恩来美术馆 梅地亚艺术中心 天宇空间(北京)国际文化交流有限公司 Co-organizer: Shangshang International Art Museum Beijing Zhongdong International Engineering Co., Ltd. Zhonghai Aoxiang limited liability company NL Enlai Art Museum Medea Art Center Tianyu Space (Beijing) International Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd. 学术顾问:杨卫、王小箭、朱青生、高天民、李广明、牧野 Academic adviser: Yang Wei, Wang Xiaojiao, Zhu Qingsheng, Gao Tianmin, Li Guangming, Makino 学术主持:杨毅达 Academic chair: Yang Yida 艺术总监:赵珈杰 Artistic Director: Zhao Jiajie 策展人:冷述早 Curator: leng shuzao 媒体统筹:海东、郁文、徐高栋 Media co-ordination: Haidong , Yuwen , Xu Gaodong 前言 “后宋庄“时代孵化推广计划-【对等发声】面镜ART 王江东/陈远波双个展采取对话与面镜的形式,通过对等的表达自我内心述求和对作品所思所想所绘,在同一空间同一个场域,进行一场不同语境不同形式的对话与交流,真实的面对本我,呈现内在的自我,自由地发声,自由的表达心境。 本次展出的两位艺术家一位是王江东,他热衷于德国抽象表现主义题材与东方本土人文精神有机的结合,把客观事物与现象通过主体深层次的思索与实践,以极简的笔触,把色彩、线条、和点,以及意象性符号等,多层次的融合、拼贴、截取、打碎、塑造、重组以及重建,在作品中营造出一种具有当代诗性和具有道法精神的哲思性氛围,艺术家通过对人文向度方面赋予情境,在“移步换景”般的冲击力下,日日思量和感悟身处繁乱的当下,什么样的梦想和信仰是“无公害的”,在人生终极问题上和未来方向、人文精神、多重信仰以及社会问题等方面,又别有所悟!所以,此次展出的《吾 忄》系列作品就是他对社会、人生、生活、人文、教育、宗教等的一个综合考量。他是一位执着于艺术、关重于生命,是在不断思索与思辨的艺术家。 另一位参展艺术家陈远波,他展出的作品《何去何从》系列,是近些年来在奔波中,对周遭社会现象、景观、生活事态等各方面的萃取与提炼,是对当下繁忙生活行走状态下的人们片影的一个写照,以及在站转地划破时空的碎片,也是从另一视角观察生活的忙碌、分离与支碎的状态,是晃动、切割、抽片、流逝等几个系列作品的最初瞬间灵感的扑捉和对客观社会现象的感悟,在主体自我内心诉求中,达成吻合,也是个人情愫与集体记忆历数当下生活必然的一种情感表达。 冷述早 2017/05/22 Yany "Post-Songzhuang" era incubation promotion plan - [peer-to-face] Mirror ART Wang Jiangdong / Chen Yuanbo double exhibition to take the form of dialogue and mirror, through the expression of self-expression of self-seeking , In the same space with a field, a different context of different forms of dialogue and exchange, the real face of this, showing the inner self, free voice, freedom of expression of state of mind. This exhibition is one of the two artists Wang Jiangdong, he is keen on the German abstract expressionist theme and the oriental local human spirit of the organic combination of the objective things and phenomena through the main deep thinking and practice, with minimalist brushwork , To the color, lines, and points, as well as symbolic symbols, multi-level integration, collage, interception, crushing, shaping, reorganization and reconstruction, in the works to create a contemporary poetic and moral Of the philosophical atmosphere, the artist through the human dimension to give the situation, in the "shift for King" like the impact of the day to think and feel in the moment of chaos, what kind of dreams and beliefs are "pollution "In the ultimate issue of life and the future direction, humanistic spirit, multiple beliefs and social issues, but also do not have enlightenment! Therefore, the exhibition of "I 忄" series of works is his social, life, life, humanities, education, religion, a comprehensive consideration. He is an artist who is obsessed with art, focuses on life, is constantly thinking and speculating. Another exhibition artist Chen Yuanbo, he exhibited works "where to go" series, is in recent years in the rush, the surrounding social phenomena, landscape, life and other aspects of an extraction and refining, is the current busy life walking state Under the portrayal of a film, as well as in the station to cut through the debris of time and space, but also from another perspective to observe the life of the busy, separated and broken state, is shaking, cutting, pumping, passing a few series The initial inspiration of the works and the perception of the objective social phenomenon, in the subject of self-inner demands, to achieve an anastomosis, but also personal feelings and collective memory of the current life of a certain emotional expression. leng shuzao 22/5/2017 参展艺术家介绍 Exhibitors' introduction
艺术家:王江东 Artist: Wang Jiangdong 出生于重庆万州,旅德艺术家。毕业于陈和西教授全国油画风景创作高研班。 Born in Chongqing Wanzhou, travel artist. Graduated from Professor Chen Hexi National Oil Painting Landscape. 参展履历 2016年5月《贵州遵义1964文化创意园全国油画风景写生名家邀请展》 2016年6月《走进自然陈和西教授高研班油画风景作品展》 2016年6月《新当代一2016年艺术家联展》 2016年9月《第四届江山如画全国油画写生作品展》 2016年9月《德国汉堡Elektrohaus大型群展》 2016年10月《诗性中国艺术展(第一回)》 2016年11月《秋水八荒—潮白河油画展》 2017.1 独立精神第一回 2017.2 诗性中国当代水墨三十人专题研究展 2017.3 中国当代艺术联盟2017 年度大展 2017.3 “格鲁吉亚文化风情节”中国艺术家群展 2017.3 “般若华庭心灵色宴”明珠艺术展 History of the exhibition 2016 May "Guizhou Zunyi 1964 Culture and Creative Park National Oil Painting Landscape Paint Masters Invitation Exhibition" June 2016 "into the natural Professor Chen and West high research class oil painting landscape exhibition" June 2016 "New Contemporary 2016 Artists Exhibition" September 2016 "the fourth country picturesque painting works" September 2016 "Hamburg, Germany Elektrohaus large group exhibition" October 2016 "Poetic Chinese Art Exhibition (first back)" November 2016 "Qiushui eight shortage - Chaobai River oil painting exhibition" 2017.1 independent spirit first return 2017.2 Poetic Chinese Contemporary Ink and Wash 30 Artists Exhibition 2017.3 China Contemporary Art Alliance 2017 Annual Exhibition 2017.3 "Georgian Culture Festival" Chinese Artists Group Exhibition 2017.3 "Prajna Hua Ting mind color feast" Pearl Art Exhibition
《吾 忄》17 "My heart" 17 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 100X80cm 2017
《没有永恒II》2 "No eternity II" 2 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 70X70cm 2016
《吾 忄》8 "My heart" 8 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 70X70cm 2017
《吾 忄》3 "My heart" 3 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 70X70cm 2017
《吾 忄》6 "My heart" 6 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 60X80cm 2017
《吾 忄》7 "My heart" 7 综合材料 Integrated materials 70X70cm 2017
《吾 忄》9 "My heart" 9 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 100X80cm 2017
《吾 忄》10 "My heart" 10 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 100X80cm 2017
《吾 忄》12 "My heart" 12 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 100X80cm 2017
Artist: Chen Yuanbo 职业艺术家,现居南京扬州 1985年12月25日出生于湖南湘西怀化,瑶族 2008年毕业于江汉大学美术学院油画专业 Professional artist, now living in Nanjing Yangzhou December 25, 1985 was born in Hunan Xiangxi Huaihua, Yao In 2008 graduated from Jianghan University School of Fine Arts oil painting professional 参展履历 2017年 远波油画艺术品鉴展(扬州)大伟威士忌酒吧 圈里圈外(南京)新城市当代艺术中心 2016年 奕·境(南京)圈外艺术馆 空凡现当代艺术展(无锡)程及美术馆 新当代2016艺术联展(芜湖)芜湖美术馆 新骑士当代艺术展(上海)M50雅巢画廊 艺术南京(南京)爱丁堡酒店 写生中国(南京)三江学院美术馆 新当代海南环岛采风展(海口)国新书院艺术馆 2015年艺术南昌国际博览会(南昌)国际博览中心 新骑士联盟展(南京)圈外艺术馆 扬州首届雕塑作品展 扬州市文化馆 扬州建城2500周年历史工程题材创作展 扬州市美术馆 <<缘创*艺术作品展>> (扬州) 《和声*不异而同》南京国际美展即凤凰山艺术园签约艺术家全国巡展,南京凤凰山美术馆 长沙美庐美术馆 上海虹桥当代艺术馆 2014年陈远波绘画印象展 扬州双博馆艺术文化中心 南京国际美术展 南京国际博览中心 亚洲青年艺术家提名展 北京798艺术工厂 中国新锐绘画奖邀请展 北京Hi艺术中心 江苏省中青年美展 南京江苏省美术馆 泰山美术作品展 山东泰山美术馆 扬州市中青年优秀作品展 扬州市美术馆 龙川画派书画展 江都博物馆 2013年印象扬州个人画展(扬州) 2009年武汉汉阳造青年艺术展(武汉) 2008年武汉汉阳造艺术展(武汉) History of the exhibition 2017 Far Wave Oil Painting Art Exhibition (Yangzhou) Dawei Whiskey Bar Circle outside the circle (Nanjing) New CityContemporaryArtCenter 2016 Yiyi (Nanjing) Outside the Museum of Art (Now) and art museum New Contemporary 2016 Art Exhibition (Wuhu) WuhuArt Museum New Knight Contemporary Art Exhibition (Shanghai) M50 Ya Nai Gallery Art Nanjing (Nanjing) Edinburgh Hotel Sketch China (Nanjing) SanjiangCollegeArt Museum New contemporary HainanIsland around the wind show (Haikou) NationalAcademyArt Museum 2015 Nanchang International Fair (Nanchang) InternationalExpoCenter New Knights of the Union Exhibition (Nanjing) outside the Museum of Art Yangzhou first sculpture exhibition YangzhouCityCulturalCenter YangzhouCity, 2500 years of history project theme creation exhibition YangzhouCityArt Museum << Art of creation * (Yangzhou) "Harmony * is the same as the same" Nanjing International Art Fair Phoenix Mountain Art Park signed the National Artists Exhibition, NanjingPhoenixMountainArt Museum ChangshaMeiluArt Museum ShanghaiHongqiaoContemporaryArt Museum In 2014, Chen Yuanbo painting impression show Yangzhou Shuangbo Museum of Art and CultureCenter NanjingInternationalArtExhibitionNanjingInternationalExpoCenter Asian Young Artists Nominated Exhibition Beijing 798 Art Factory China New Art Painting Awards Invitation Exhibition Beijing Hi ArtCenter JiangsuProvinceYouthArtExhibitionNanjingJiangsuProvinceArt Museum TaishanArtExhibitionShandongTaishanArt Museum YangzhouCityYouthYouthExcellenceExhibitionYangzhouCityArt Museum Longchuan painting school painting exhibition JiangduMuseum Impression Yangzhou Personal Exhibition (Yangzhou) 2009 Wuhan Hanyang Youth Art Exhibition (Wuhan) 2008 Wuhan Han Yang Art Exhibition (Wuhan)
何去何从~10月15号 Where to go ~ October 15 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 50X70cm 2015
何去何从~3月30号 Where to go from March 30 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 120X150cm 2016
何去何从~4月9号2 Where to go from April 9 2 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 150X200cm 2016
何去何从~5月15号 Where to go from May 15 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 50X70cm 2016
何去何从~9月23号之二 Where to go from September 23 of the second 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 65X65cm 2016
何去何从~11月19号 Where to go from November 19 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 60X120cm 2016
何去何从~3月24号 Where to go from March 24 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 50X150cm 2017
何去何从~3月25号 Where to go ~ March 25 布面油画 Cloth oil painting 50X150cm 2017 |